Hi there! I am about to start my own website and was wondering if you know where the best place to buy a blog url is? I'm not even sure if that's what its known as? (I'm new to this) I'm referring to "http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=17891218&postID=631035904458476213". How do I go about acquiring one of these for the website I'm making? Thanks
3 comentarios:
Querido Rodolfo, te venho dar apertado abraço de parabéns e desejar que Francisco seja óptimo Papa!
Ojalá así sea, y que sigan existiendo personas como vos.
Hi there! I am about to start my own website and was wondering if you know where the best place to
buy a blog url is? I'm not even sure if that's what its
known as? (I'm new to this) I'm referring to "http://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=17891218&postID=631035904458476213".
do I go about acquiring one of these for the website
I'm making? Thanks
Feel free to surf to my weblog Go to my website
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